Who I Am

I enjoy learning. Above all I enjoy learning, better myself furthering my relationships. I enjoy learning everything from health, technology, and science. I've spent my whole life having a passion for learning, and that's become focused on web development and systems. People are all contradictions. I love JAMStack. The process of making bigger more complex systems, easier, more efficient more manageable is fulfilling to me. I strive to be discipline and focused and improve my attention, will power and perseverance every day.

The Tech I Know and Love


I have used react for all of my projects, in some form, whether it's vanilla react or Gatsby. I like the flexibility and structure it brings to my projects. I love the flow and the technology of it all. The rerendering cycle seems so intuitive.


Using react in a static site generator, makes for great functionality with great speed. You can see examples in the todoList, Tech Blog




So... Why Hire Me

I'm a problem solver! Beyond everything else I'm a problem solver I've spent 5 years of my life solving problems professionally. As a manager I solved conflicts, improved time management, systematically improved the department overall As an accountant and IT professional, I solved many time sucking problems. I provided faster better answers to business problems on a daily saving the company hours a week in labor As an integration specialist, I save even more time for my company. I pull information from many sources making everything come together, go to the right people and help the company shave hours per employee off their labor costs.

Phone: 720-234-5368

Email: henson.jhenson.jesse@gmail.com
